Dieses wunderbare Gedicht hat Gary verfasst und an die World ARC Familie geschickt. Gary segelte bis Lombock auf SKYELARK und dann weiter auf SANDVITA und zwischendurch auf TULLA MHOR. Danke, Gary!
ODE TO THE WORLD ARC 2017 – 2018
My dream became reality when I joined the Yacht SKYELARK
A yacht that I would sail on in part of the World ARC
Permission was granted from my lovely wife
For fifteen months upon a boat and a complete change of life
The starting gun gave the off for the first leg of many
We have three oceans to cross, I think everyone is ready
You will meet lots of people form every walk of life
Who acquired their boats and sailing gear with a lifetime of strife
There is the yacht AURORA with Ken and the reluctant crew
The one and only Eileen but I think you all knew
Then along come SANDVITA with Lars and with Anne
The life and soul of a party and the viking weather man
There is the lovely Bill and Audrey, a fantastic Geordie pair
(“All is well on the OWL”) was the call upon the air
Now there’s Yoe and Yeff and Barbara form the yacht that’s called AL-TA-IR
You can’t mistake Yeff at all, he’s the one with the curly hair
Who could forget TULLA MHOR with Dugald and Val
With Eileedh that’s their daughter what a great fun loving pal
There was Sam and Karen with LEXINGTON’s former doctor Bob
What a legend he became and renamed Bulla Bob
ARABELA was the Russian yacht full of vodka, Andrey’s and Sergey’s
What a party they did throw on one of their birthdays
The last cat to sail with us was HANNA and her crew
Gottfried, Thomas and Sascha are to name but a few
Of TOUJOURS BELLE and ASHIA very little is known
But some sailors just prefer to do it all alone
I’m not sure it TAKE OFF is the name of the boat
Or the parts they replace and swop to keep it all afloat
To Alex and Inez, just what can I say
Every time I meet you, you just brighten up my day
To SOLO and ZEELAND here’s hoping that you are all well
Bianca and Sandra especially, you are both belle
To the yachts I have sailed on and there’s been a quite few
The pleasure was mine to be a little part of your crew
I remember the parties that we had, the mudslides and the beers
The great laugh we all had and all the good night cheers
The yellow shirts are a welcome sight in every port of call
So I’d like to take this opportunity to thank them one and all
To Andrew Bishop and the ARC including all his staff
What a great experience and thank you for the laugh
To all the yachts and all the friends I have not mentioned in this rhyme
You know who you are, you were present at the time
What a fantastic journey this World ARC has been
The people and the places and the things we have all seen
We all know that all good things come to an end
But I know we will all remember them and remain the very best friends